probably my favourite 'shock' ending in any film ever
brilliant film, a personnal top tenner.
shareYES!you couldn't ask for a better ending!
I've just tried to find this film on DVD but obviously to no avail! Yes, it is criminal that this work of art is not out on DVD but sadly reflects a low level of conciousness in the western world on the political nature of cinema. It also reflects a general desire on behalf of the cinema going audience to escape from reality a little too much perhaps! Escaping is , of course, a very desirable thing but modern, popular cinema, i.e Hollywood etc, escapes to far off places that make little or no sense and reflect not only an alternative reality but a distorted vesion of life. The history of the west in America is the supreme example of how cinema informs the way in which people see the past. The historical inacuracies, coupled with the "happy ending" Hollywood presents us with nearly every time, contrasts sharply when we look at the factual evidence regarding the real history of the west! It certainly was not an Injun killin/good guy, bad guy/hero gets his girl situation every time! No siree!! Life was tough and not always triumphant, people struggled against tremendous odds and did not always succeed! Life for the native people was devestating (10,000,000 indians died due to famine, disease and ethnic cleansing) but this stuff is not worthy of attention. Of course it is uncomfortable viewing for a public that has been brain washed into thinking that Calamity Jane and Roy Rogers is a true representation of how things were in the west.
The hill, on the other hand tells us that authority is very powerfull, that it cannot be defeated by the individual alone. Authority is not just buildings and uniforms and jails and routine, but a deep seated social/psycological state that infects everyone and that if you challenge it on your own you will get your head bitten off! It is the kind of film the people in charge do not want you to see because it begs the question......If we cant do it on our own then how do we realy get rid of these *beep*!!! TOGETHER PERHAPS????? THATS REVOLUTION!!!!
It will be out on DVD soon- just relax - I've seen it on TV now and then (AMC) anyway -so keep an eye out for it on TMC, Bravo and AMC
And I don't think taking the Indians land and delaying the DVD-release of The Hill are very connected - get over yourself
great shock ending i agree
if this doesnt make it to dvd its cos the powers that be think it'll put people off joining the army.
a stand-out moment for me was when they were in the showers and connery shouts "dont touch that! it turns on the gas!" then they all laugh.
to me,
the most shocking unexpected ending to a film was Vanishing Point from 1971.
It made it to DVD six months before riedheid's post. The Indians were able to get it released I guess. What the heck was all that talk about the old west anyway? Doesn't that belong 0n the Shalako or the Shlock board?