DVD re-dub?

Just watched my new DVD; awesome, as I expected. But I'm curious. Does anyone else have both the tape and the DVD? If so, did anyone else notice that they seemed to have re-dubbed some of the more unintelligable lines? Williams especially seems to have had some of his lines re-recorded. Maybe it's just me, but I have an excellent ear for this sort of thing; and I could swear they re-dubbed portions of the dialogue. Anyone else notice?


yeah - I just rewatched the movie on TV - one of my all time favorites - and you're right - a number of scenes of williams speaking or yelling in long shot have been redubbed by another actor - very strange - haven't seen that happen in quite a while - I'm an actor & spotted straightaway - plus Ian Hendry's voice is so instantly recognizable you wonder how they thought they'd get away with it - I take that back - like the colorization of great black & white movies - mostly they don't give a sh** in the distribution business - whatever they think will sell, etc - -


I was going to buy the r1dvd but after reading this i`m not so sure.How many characters have actually had their dialogue re-recorded or is it just a few lines?Thanks.Does anyone know if the French reg2 is similarly affected?Would otherwise buy a uk disc but for some reason it hasn`t been released here.I`d love to know why.


In the orignial film and VHS, when the RSM is talking to two prisoners who were going to be released, you don't see his eyes, they are hidden in the dark. The last time I saw the movie on TMC or AMC, they removed the darkness from the RSM's eyes, so you can see his eyes. I like it when his eyes were in the dark. It made the RSM look like he was a God.


I have the old VHS tape, a copy of the version shown on TCM and the new DVD.

My VHS tape and the DVD have the same soundtrack dialogue - unfortunately it's the dubbed variety.

The version shown on TCM has the original dialogue. Most (all?) of it involves the early scene involving the RSM showing Williams around the camp. Harry Andrews' voice is noticeably lower in these scenes - but hardly unintelligible.

It's a mystery as to why they dubbed it in the first place and why - WHY? - they wouldn't have provided both soundtrack options on the DVD.

FYI the TCM version will air Jan 12 2008 at 11 pm Eastern.


Region2 isn't dubbed.
