A new website about Ian Hendry features a lot of photos from The Hill. In addition, you can find information on how to buy a biography of Ian Hendry by Gabriel Hershman in which The Hill is discussed in detail.



That's interesting. I remember Ian Hendry from many things in the 60's. Very solid actor who always delivered. Forgot that he had an uncredited brief role at the start of OMEN II with fellow veteren Leo Mckern.

Williams, from THE HILL, was his crowning achievement. I thoroughly hated his guts, proving what a superb actor he truly was. Sad to hear of his far too early passing.

I'll be checking the Website.



A fine actor who was nominated for supp. actor that same year for THE FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX. Also great in THE OFFENCE (also with Connery and directed by Lumet).


Late Reply-

It was Ian Bannen (who played Harris) who appeared with Connery in THE OFFENSE. The suspected pedo he killed in the interrogation. Very disturbing performances from both.

Easy to get the Ians double-crossed.

Both were superb actors-the best.

Where are they today?

