MovieChat Forums > Help! (1965) Discussion > Bathroom Scene -Shirtless George-

Bathroom Scene -Shirtless George-

Very fine!


Hilarious and Hott scene! I think girls, even today, were screaming when they saw George's shirt come off. I know how they feel!


Yeahhh I thought it was pretty much the best part of the movie haha. Why couldn't I have been alive in the 60s dangit?!

*~ ErIn *~ In the evening, I've got to roam...


You're not the only one who wishes they were alive then! lol :P

I love that scene! I can't help but squeal a bit!

R.Phoenix J.Lennon B.Renfro H.Ledger
The Beatles = Life


I wanna be alive in the 60s too but nooooo and besides my mom was a little girl then as well...ugh...well anyway...

I'm sure all the girls did squeal when they saw George's shirt fly off of him; it did the same for Paul too, he lost his sleeves! LOL! But also Paul shrunk and was nudie on the floor, covering himself with a gum wrapper...could you imagine how many girls ran up the screen to see if they can really see him naked? Ok I confess I did the same thing with my TV screen. From what I know of now, Paul was wearing a cloth of some sort to make it look like he's naked but really he wasn't. Crap. Well...I still want to join John in that floor bed. That looked so awesome!


lol hahah yes! The first time I saw Help! and Paul shrunk, I think my heart stopped for a few seconds when I thought Paul was naked. I was squealy inside. And John in the pit bed.... whooo.... got any room down there Johnny? :P

R.Phoenix J.Lennon B.Renfro H.Ledger
The Beatles = Life


You guys got that right! Whoa! I really blushed at the small, naked Paul scene. And who wouldn't want to be in John's pit bed with him in it? Plus, I was kinda excited when Ringo's pants were pulled down on the insane machine in Dr. Foot's lab. Rrrrr!


Oh yes. Ringo in his boxers=HOT. But the bathroom scene is still my fave haha I <3 George!!!

*~ ErIn *~ In the evening, I've got to roam...


I have not seen this movie in ages, I recently saw clips on YouTube, I was really surprised with George's shirt coming off, Ringo losing his pants, and Paul in skimpy attire, pretty risque for the 60's. I'm not surprised the girls screamed, the Fab Four seem to have sex appeal that spans generations, which is kind of creepy considering two are dead, and the other two are seniors now.


Not really, ilahilda. Even though they're seniors, Paul and Ringo still seemed quite energetic for their ages and still look really good. John and George may be gone but it doesn't stop many from admiring their music and even having crushes on them.


You do have a point, people still have crushes on Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, etc. I guess celebrity appeal is timeless.


They sure do. Celebrity appeal is timeless but I think it depends on the influence of that celebrity or celebrities. As you mentioned, people like Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable, they still have great influences over the movie industry & pop culture just like the Fab Four still have a great influence over music & pop culture. I've heard guys of today say that Marilyn Monroe is HOTT! No joke. They do say that. Well, she is very beautiful and I'm straight.


Yes Marilyn was pretty, but her story is sad. On a sweet note,a dying Joe Dimaggio stated I'm going to be with Marilyn. He never stopped loving her. She must have been a very nice lady. Hugh Hefner wants to be buried next to her, I think she was the first Playboy model. You have 5 and 6 year olds that like MJ.
Not to mention Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and Barney are being enjoyed by the current generation. I dread the pain the world will feel when Paul and Ringo die.


And you know, if that Indian chick hadn't turned it off, eventually ALL. Of. Their. Clothes...would have come off..

But of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. <3


OMG We wouldn't have wanted that, that young people would not have been able to see the movie back then.


Why do girls (and whoever else is enthusing here) like skinny guys? I can understand it if they enthuse when ARNIE'S shirt comes off, when THE ROCK'S shirt comes off, or when MY shirt comes off, but a skinny little dude like George, or Paul? I understand their appeal as cute, fashionably dressed young men, but when the shirt comes off and they have the body of a thirteen year old? I just don't get it!

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!
