The knife/sacrifice scenes are an eerie portent of George's wounding at the hands of an intruder, whilst the many photographs and scenes of him smoking cigarettes are an eerie portent of his death from cancer. Wilfred Brambell, an "old man", is an eerie portent (albeit in A Hard Day's Night) of Ringo and Paul's death from old age (citation needed), whilst the cellar scenes in the pub are an eerie portent of Paul's "descent" into MOR schhmaltz.
George's "suicidal" car rooftop ride is an eerie after-the-event portent of Brian Epstein's suicide. Leo McKern, later to become Rumpole Of The Bailey*, is an eerie portent of the legal battles that would afflict the Beatles and Apple.
*For non-UK readers: Rumpole Of The Bailey was a courtroom based comedy drama starring Leo McKern as the eponymous lawyer. It was like a staid, stuffy, afternoon tea version of Perry Mason.
Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!