Original Director's Cut

Is there a version of this film available that includes George Stevens' original 260 minute cut?



Unfortunately, no. The Library of Congress I have heard does have a copy of the original cut, but it is not in very good quality. Also, the scenes Stevens was forced to delete from his original cut (which no doubt include a lot more of such performers as Angela Lansbury and Richard Conte who in the final version are reduced to almost nothing) would not fit back well into the existing cut because when he made his reductions he also restored more of Alfred Newman's original score that he had not used in the original cut (specifically for the Raising of Lazarus sequence).


Anyone old enough to have seen and know of what the cut scens were exactly?

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


because when he made his reductions he also restored more of Alfred Newman's original score that he had not used in the original cut (specifically for the Raising of Lazarus sequence).
I'm not sure that can be correct; in the release version there's pretty much none of Newman's Lazarus music; it's rehashed music he wrote for The Robe leading into Handel's Messiah. Somewhere I read that someone played the CD of the score alongside the DVD of the Lazarus scene and I think the timings were very close (but I may be misremembering or entirely making this up) so I don't think this scene was cut around too much for the final edit.

Call me Ishmael...
