MovieChat Forums > The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) Discussion > The altiment movie about our L:ords life...

The altiment movie about our L:ords life to me was Jesus of Nazerith


My name is Mike Beckmann from St. Louis, Missouri and I am Catholic.
The Greatest Story Ever Told was ok but in my opinion and many others the
altiment movie about our Lords life is Jesus of Nazerith with British actor Robert Powell as our Lord Jesus Christ. Robert Powell to me and others
looked like our Lord the way we depic him looking like. Powell proformance was powerful. I and my family have this version of our Lords life on video tape and we watch it during the Easter season and sometime we would watch the part about our Lords brith during Christmas as well. I also thought actor James Farentino did just as a superve job as Simon Peter/St. Peter as Powell did as our Lord. Farentinos proformance as Peter was also just as powerful. So was the rest of the cast. Olivia Hussey as our Lords mother the Virgin Mary, Mel Brooks wife Anne Bancroft as Mary Madalene, Michael York as our Lords cousin St. John the Baptist, Ian McShane as Judas Iscariot, Sir Laurence Olivier as Nicodemus friend and beliver of our Lord, and Sir James Mason as Joseph of Arimathea also a beiver of our Lord just to name a few. The only other movie about our Lord that I would rate high is Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ. I think he did a superve job in depicting the last days of our Lords life here on Earth his cruifiction and his assention into Heaven. I think Jim Cavesal also did a great job in my opinion protrying our Lord Jesus Christ as well. The Passion of the Christ which I and my family also have on video tape was also a powerful movie and the imagetry was powerful as well. We have on Video Mels original version from Pay-Per-View and to all of you God Bless you!



How old are you?



How old are you?

My guess is he is a teenager. Too many of them nowaday were taught the Hookt on Fonix method and spell stuff the way it's sound. I run into that on the Net all the time.

Sad, huh?

But as for what he said, as a 56-year-old Christian, I agree with him totally. Although I enjoyed this version, Jesus of Nazareth is definitely the ultimate movie about our Lord's life.

Although I didn't like the fact that the only one in that movie who looked Jewish was Judas (part of the reason why I liked "The Greatest Story Ever Told" with David McCallam, a blond, playing Judas) or that the movie conveniently forgets that on the day of Passover, every devout Jew was in his/her home, preparing for the Sabbath and that I wouldn't want others to think of Christianity based on the actions of ones who didn't truly practice it, it's still the way that I think of the life of my Lord.

Still, lasting less than four hours, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" did a very good job.[/quote]



Though he may be an immigrant, Mike says he comes from St. Louis, Missouri. The reality is simply that most Americans have poor grammar. Prior to email and the Internet, we only read things that were published and all the rules or grammar were enforced.


Hey Mike my name is Christine I am a Catholic from Belfast, Ireland. I completly agree with you about Jesus of Nazareth it is a beautiful representation of Christs life. I feel more of an emotional connection with Robert Powell, he represts the kind of person that I want Jesus to be. In the Greatest Story ever told the guy playing Jesus didn't really portray the vulnerablle and emotional side to Jesus that Robert Powell has in Jesus of Nazareth he brought so much warmth to the role he's a Jesus you would want to have faith in.
I have to admitt I haven't watched the Passion for the simple reason that I feel I wouldn't be able to take it, I don't feel like I could cope watching it. I would love to be able to see it Mel Gibson is a fabulous director with a strong faith and Jim Caviezal is an amazing actor but I know I couldn't cope watching it.


I'm Sean, Catholic of Canada, and I'm an alcoholic. No just kidding, I don't touch the stuff. Tastes like pee.

Anyway, I never saw JESUS OF NAZARETH, but would like too. I've seen very few Christ films, out of most I would say GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD is my favorite. THE PASSION has good things going for it, but focuses too much on the later, with gore and violence, and not the full story.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


If you enjoy such films (I do), you should go out of your way to get "Jesus of Nazareth" and watch it. It's longer than the two you mention -- it is a mini-series -- but very moving. Certainly one of the best. I think you won't be disappointed.


you should go out of your way to get "Jesus of Nazareth" and watch it.

I got it for Christmas. I'll get around to watching it soon hopefully. It's a mighty long movie.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I'm a Protestant and my favorite movie about Christ is The Gospel According to Saint Matthew. I have not seen Jesus of Nazareth since its original telecast.


I agree Mike. Jesus of Nazareth is my favorite version of the life of Christ. It goes into so much more detail, but, then again, it is so much longer than the other versions.

The director, Franco Zeffirelli, is also one of my favorite directors. So many of his movies visually recall the great artists of the Italian Renaissance.

May I suggest, if you haven't seen it already, watching Zefirelli's movie, Brother Sun, Sister Moon. It's the story of St. Francis of Assisi. I don't think you will be disappointed.


Mike-You had better get yourself off to school and learn to spell before you post on IMDB. it might even explain to you that religion is just a collection of myths and legends that ancient people invented to explain the inexplicable and to keep the peasants in their place. Think for yourself.


If you want a school that believes in indoctrinating phony messages of anti-religious bigotry, may I suggest Stalin's Russia or Mao's China or the Khmer Rogue's Cambodia? (all of them nice examples of how state-sponsored atheism kept the peasants in their place with mass conformity and slaughter)


This should be a discussion board on film , not on religion.
The bible has undeniable cultural-historical value, and turning it into a movie certainly makes sense. But the end result should be judged on its merits as a movie, not on its religeous propaganda value. As a film, I would rate Il vangelo secondo Matteo as number 1 and The greatest story as number 2.


Religion is for people who cannot think for themselves.

That's not true. There are millions of degreed academicians who believe in God. They are Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. Newton is considered by some to be the father of modern science and we owe him a debt of gratitude. He believed in God and actually tried to use mathematics (and perhaps a form of celestial mechanics) to prove the existence of God.


Yeah, that's just a canard used by uneducated and/or lazy "skeptics" to feel superior to spiritual people. The "new" atheism has created a fad where it's okay to vilify people of faith, who have become the new Jews. Oops, Jews are often religious... umm... how 'bout: people of faith have become the new child molesters. The arch-demonizer Dawkins comes close to that when he calls religious education child abuse.
