The Last Supper

Can someone please tell me why the director chose to put Judas at the end of the table instead of next to John on Jesus' right? Also having Judas receiving his payment after the supper when, as is depicted in Davinci's painting, he already had it in hand.

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It is not mentioned in the Bible what the seating arrangements were. They don't even know where the Last Supper was at. The Jewish have some kind of festival around Passover where they set up outside rooms on roofs or elsewhere they have like a feast celebrating the renewing of Spring. Again there is not much to go on with the seating arrangements, did they eat reclining in the Roman manner, what did they eat, etc. With a lack of details the directors can take a lot of license in the sets they want. If you believe that Da Vinci's depiction of the Last Supper is accurate then you need to talk to a Biblical expert. You are overly rich in Faith and sorely lacking on the details. Man not God wrote the Bible. A lot of it was oral tradition until it was written down decades or centuries later and that means that a lot could have changed with telling it over the years.


Man not God wrote the Bible
You seem to forget that God, as Spirit, inspired the scripture writers, at least according to Peter and Paul. Not that writers can't make mistakes here and there. 2Peter 1:20,21. 2Timothy 3:16.

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According to historians, the Hebrew Passover was celebrated with the partaker sitting on the floor. Jesus and the 12 disciples would have used 2 or 3 tables (not all in a row) that would each have served people about 18 inches from the floor. Da Vinci's depiction is beautiful but not historically accurate.

