The 4 Hour Version ???

What scenes were cut from the film, does anyone know ??? Or have they beenb used in various prints throughout the years ?


See the UNDERSTANDING GREATEST STORY post for more info. There seems to be no surviving prints longer than 196 minutes except at the Library of Congress where a 224 minute version lies gathering dust. And no one seems interested in restoring the roadshow print. There was never a 260 minute + print to my knowledge. I love this film, btw.


Its an OK film but i think the greatest version of the Jesus story is Jesus of Nazareth
Would like to see the 4 hour version if it still exists


Im a fan of JESUS OF NAZARETH too but it is not a theatrical movie. Zefferelli's version was created for television as a miniseries. Therefore he was able to cover the story in much greater depth. There are definite similarities in these productions - the many guest stars approach, a relative unknown in the lead, beautiful cinematography, etc. I wish that Zefferelli's film could be remastered and/or reformatted for theatrical release - I would love to see it on a big screen.

btw, there was never a 4 hourlong version of TGSET.The longest known print was approx 3 hrs & 44 minutes with a 15 min.intermission.


I was wondering about the cut scenes myself, but they're apparently long lost. Oh well, 3 hours and 19 minutes is long enough.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I am 1 hour into it, and already it feels too long.

I'll see my lawyer about this as soon as he graduates from law school.


Jesus of Nazareth was released thetrically in Latin America (with Spanish sub-titles)and other continents.


Believe me, when I go out to work at the new Gateway Studios built here in Arizona and we build in the future, a film restoration service building here, I am VERY interested in restoring whatever version "TGSET" is, whether it be the 260 minute version, the 224 minute version or the 195 minute theatrical cut. "TGSET" would have two versions on three disc Blu-ray and four disc DVD, the 195-minute cut plus the 200+ minute cut digitally restored frame-by-frame with digitally restored sound and all new bonus supplements in HD, for the most beautiful picture you've ever seen.


If only that were possible ---

yes it deserves special attention - such care went into its production -

a full restoration would be most welcome by many fans such as me.


At this point I would settle for seeing the elusive Library Of Congress even in an unrestored state, just to see what scenes exist there that were lost from the final version. We would also hear a different music edit with more of the Messiah for the Lazarus sequence and less of Newman's much which was put back in only after the edits were made.


I think that is unlikely -- attempts have been made to screen it and failed--

it seems Geo Stevens Jr has prevented some showings of more complete versions too .


Oh, no!!!


there was an opportunity this year with the Blu-ray release for a new restoration but it was just a reissue of the 2001 dvd release -- with nothing new added - and only slight improvement in the picture + sound.


The version just now shown on TCM was the 196-minute edit. I understand at least a couple of minutes of what was cut is a longer death on the cross. In this one, Jesus says, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit," then his eyes close and there's an actual freeze-frame, followed by a long shot of his head falling. In the original cut, supposedly his eyes open again, close again and his head sinks onto his breast. I'd love to know what else was cut out.

I also wish we could get at least a recording of Newman's complete original score, as has happened with Herrmann's original Torn Curtain and Alex North's 2001.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
