This is one of my favorites,
I don't get John Wayne as the Centurion, I have always thought that was a little odd, but I will tell you the the things that I do like.
The scene when he comes to raise Lazarus from the dead, what he says at the mouth of the tomb always gives me chills. However, just before that when he is speaking to Martha and Mary, and he is asking them if they believe that He could resurrect Lazarus. And they don't believe him and he weeps, which is something that most people don't cover. "Jesus wept" When they run back to the city gates and tell that he has raised a man from the dead, made a cripple walk, and a blind man see, it is touching.
When Jesus is being walked to Golgotha and the man helps him carry the cross, Sidney P. at his best, showing all the emotion without saying anything.
After the crucifixion when Jesus' chair stands empty, it says so much just in that one image.
When the judges are sitting together. One says "It will all be forgotten in a week." And the other one says: "I wonder."
And this is the only movie portrayal when Jesus speaks one of my favorite verses from the Bible during his resurrection. "Don't not fret then over tomorrow, leave tomorrow to fret over its own needs, for today, today's troubles are enough!" (Matt 6:34)
It is a beautifully shot film and I have always loved Max Von Sydow in this film. I have always found it kind of interesting, he has play Jesus, the Devil and a knight who played a game of chess with Death. And each time he is just wonderful.
Just my opinion, it is a great film, even with the cameos.