
I am of the younger generation didn't know a lot of the people in this movie that appeared in cameos, so the cameo appearances didn't bother me. The only people I recognized were Donald Pleaseance (who I didn't recognize at first), Charlton Heston, and John Wayne. I thought all of them, except for John Wayne were very good in their roles. Max Von Syndow was wonderful in the role of Jesus and I found him very believable as the humble carpenter and loving teaching and Savior that the Scriptures present to us (even though I still prefer Robert Powell).

When I first saw a few minutes of the movie last year, I wasn't very impressed with what I saw, but after finally giving the movie a chance and purchasing it last Wednesday night, I absolutely loved it! I love Biblical films. I have The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, Jesus of Nazareth, The Gospel According to Matthew, The Gospel of John, The Book of Acts, The Passion of the Christ and this. I'm thinking about watching some of the Biblical films you see at Wal Mart and Sam's around this time.

I am a proud believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.


>> So What in Casting Worked and Didn't Work<<

Just wanted to reply to your post because I am also a Christian who has seen all the "Jesus" movies that you have seen! I mostly love to watch them every year at Christmas or Easter. Though, sorry, but I really thought that "The Greatest Story Ever Told" was the worst of them, really unendurable for the 3-1/2 hours of the show. (Please see my comment at the end of "So What in Casting Worked and Didn't Work.")

Good to make contact with another brother or sister in the Lord!



It was made in the early sixties with a $20 million budget and then sat on the studio shelves for a couple of years before its eventual release

I don't think studio heads were just waiting for the right marketing time to release.

I think the studio heads realised they had a bulky, unwieldy product on their hands.

Thus we've ended up with all the different versions.

I don't think it s underrated.
