VS jesus of nazareth

does anyone have an opinion of how this matches up with zeffirellis jesus of nazareth. i thoroughly enjoyed jesus of nazareth and am wonderingif this measures up to that film. thanks for any help


NO COMPARISON! "JEsus of Nazareth" was VERY WELL Made... Although it had an all star cast.. They each played their roles Superbley The musical score, cinematography, the Acting were incredible. "Greatest Story"..was just missin alot. not to mention a bad pick for the role of Christ..



I totally agree with you!



I love both movies very much for very different reasons and would say that The Greatest Story Ever Told is worth renting and watching at least once. Then you can draw your own conclusions.



Jesus of Nazareth, no contest. The Greatest Story Ever Told is a good movie, but not a great one. In my opinion, GSET suffers from being too pretentious for its own good. There are hardly any closeups in that film. Most of the shots are composed of the actors being like 50 feet away from the camera with the main focus being the grand sets and locales. The whole thing feels very detached and moves at a snail's pace so that the audience can take in how "big" everything is. In comparison, Jesus of Nazareth is very grounded and has the emotional core GSET is lacking. And even though it's twice the length of GSET, JoN moves by at a much better pace. One thing I will say that GSET is better at than JoN is its cinematography. JoN is admittedly rather drab to look at, but considering it was a tv miniseries from the 70's while GSET was a big budget theatrical venture, that's understandable. I do think GSET is worth seeing once, though, but JoN is far better.


"The Greatest Story Ever Told"-- starring the scenery.



I loved Jesus of Nazareth much better than THe Greatest Story Ever Told as well with one exception. THE VIRGIN MARY!!! I felt that Dorothy McGuire was a much better Virgin Mary than Olivia Hussy was in JoN. First of all she was much too young for the part. She was actually seven years younger than Robert Powell (Jesus). Also, I don't believe the Virgin Mary yelled and screamed at her son's death like she did in Jon. In GSET, Dorothy is sad but quiet at the crucifixion, sheds some quiet tears. At the resurection scene she says nothing but smiles quietly. Other than that I liked JoN much better, better Jesus, Better John the Baptist, better apostles, far better acting overall. But I wish they would have used Dorothy in JoN instead of Olivia, she would have made a far better Mary. Olivia is a very good actress, don't get me wrong, but I just feel this was not the role for her.


As someone else said, JESUS OF NAZARETH is the gold standard of any Christ movie or mini-series.

Robert Powell, shows more emotion than any other Christ I have seen, and is not hindered by what I like to call "Cecil B. DeMille dramatics", that plagued not just his bible epics, but others as well. And it was certainly refreshing to see that the Last Super in JON, was quite different and not at all trying to emulate da Vinci's famous painting (Both DeMille's THE KING OF KINGS and TGSET are quite guilty of that! The same is true for QUO VADIS and to a lesser extent, KING OF KINGS from 1961).


I disagree about Mary. I think Olivia Hussey as Mary was more authentic because she seemed as young as Mary is thought to have been when the angel announced to her that she would bear God's Son. By the time that Jesus has grown, the make-up artists aged her believably. As for her shrieking over the body of her Son, Mary was a human woman, a mother whose Child was killed in the fullness of His manhood. Her behavior is certainly something that any mother might display over a child dead before his/her time. In fact, every time I watch that scene, I muse over how many mothers have lost children, especially to violent deaths, (atrocities such as this are too much in our world) and their horrendous grief over that loss.

"..sure you won't change your mind? Why, is there something wrong with the one I have?"


I know that every one will have their own opinion about which Jesus film is the best. I personally am into historical accuracy of which The Greatest Story Ever Told definately the more accurate to the time period. For example, we know from historical documents of the period that Jesus was considered by the Romans and the Jewish sanhedrin to be a mild nuisance during his ministry rather than a major threat, at least until he entered Jerusalem during his final week. This comes across much clearer in TGSET than it does in JON.
Also, in JON Robert Powell gives us a very untouchable reverent portrayal. Although Max von Sydow is very reverent in TGSET, he is no more so than the rest of the film, and at least he smiles, occasionally giving us a glimpse at the human side of Jesus. In JON Powell never even smiles except when he's given an ethereal oh-so-divine appearance as when he first meets Peter.
Don't get me wrong. I love JON as well, but in subsequent viewings I have realized that the film, especially during Jesus' birth and childhood stories, is too reverent for non-Christians. (Once Jesus starts collecting his apostles, the film definately picks up.)

P.S. I wish they would show the director's cut of TGSET, in which we see Judas hanging himself before falling into the pit so that people wouldn't keep criticizing the film for this one element. (Remember that in the Bible, there are two different contradictory versions of Judas' suicide, one in Matthew and the other in Acts, despite the fact that everyone automatically takes as fact that the hanging in Matthew is the true story.)


Greystudies - I liked your post and agree with many of your comments on these two films. Unfortunately there is no definitive "directors cut" of GSET - George Stevens over the years made innumerable changes to his original cut of 224 minutes - the one on dvd(195min) was his final version until the studio again cut it to 141 min! All theatrical versions had the suicide with Judas falling into the pit - only on video & broadcast tv was he shown hanging himself.I wasnt aware Acts had a different version -what is it? As it is , I think GSET is great film - not perfect but so preferable to the sadistic/masochistic version of Mel Gibson as to seem a masterpiece.



First off, let me say that I'm a huge fan of both movies, and love them both equally but in different ways and for different reasons...
Now, what are your qualifications for saying that TGSET is " more accurate to the time period"? What "historical documents" are you refering to? I would take issue with you on your assertions...
As for Robert Powell not smiling in JON, I have both movies on DVD, have seen them both many times, and can assure you that Robert Powell smiles, laughs, and just in general shows more emotion in JON than Max Von Sydow (one of my favorite actors of all time) does in TGSET. You really need to re-watch them to compare...


As far as I'm concerned, JoN is the gold standard for Jesus movies. It covers his life from beginning to end. I was especially interested to see it gives generous time to St. Joseph and Blessed Mary.

I was really grateful that it zeroed in on 1st century Jewish customs, dress, attitudes and worship. It was the first movie that I know of that showed Jesus as a pious Jew and his love for the faith.



I love Jesus Of Nazareth too. It's one of the best. However, you can't really say that it "zeroed in" on an accurate portrayal of the Jews of First Century Israel. In particular, you mentioned "dress". I posted something that partially relates to this topic (in addition to other things) on the Gospel Of John boards. You can read it here:
http://imdb.com/tit le/tt0377992/board/i nline/9931789?d=9931 789#9931789


I'll make my decision later, but I've come quite fond of GSET.

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