Peter's denials
They showed Jesus warning Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed, but then did the film only show two of those denials? I think that's the case, unless I somehow missed one. If they only showed two, that seems sloppy. Why put that out there if you're not going to fulfill it? It's pretty simple, the third denial happens, you hear the rooster, cut to dramatic music and closeup. Not having that is really just sloppy filmmaking. It's not the only place where I feel the ball was dropped. We saw Lazarus being raised from the dead, the blind man given sight, and the cripple being able to walk. So that's three healing miracles, if you will. How do you not try to put some others in the film? Other characters mention the multitudes being fed with a few loaves and fishes, or Jesus walking on water. How can you make a 200 minute movie without showing us that? Show, don't tell! Talk about missed opportunities. Oh well, overall, I didn't really enjoy the film. Some of the performances were very good (Pleasance, Rains, Ferrer, Savalas - all the villains, really), but overall I found the film dull. It's a long film, but it didn't have to feel that way. It did though, due to the movie's sluggish pace. I really only watched it as a John Wayne fan, a completist. I knew he only had a small part, but I had no idea it was going to be so pathetic. What a reading! He had one line and it sounded like he swallowed a bottle of Ambien before recording it. Oh well, you can't win them all.