Question for Catholics
This is totally off Greatest Story Ever Told topic. I'm looking for anybody that can give some serious answers to questions I have regarding what may be Catholic imagry and symbolism in The Passion of the Christ. I tried posting these questions on the POTC board but I can't seem to get any real answers. Most people there are only interested in semantic bickering. So here goes.
There are a couple of items in that I would like some clarification on.
1.) Just before Judas kills himself he sees a camel (or maybe a horse) that is infested with magots. Does this mean something? I thought it may just be an artistic device to highten Judas' sense of dispair or reflect how he felt inside.
Or I thought it may be related to some kind of Catholic imagry. I was raised as a protestant and while I do understand the major differences between these two thoughts I remain pretty uneducated on the finer points of Catholicism and it's symbolism.
2.) During the crusifixion I noticed there was a little gold cup hanging from the cross of the man to Jesus' right (on the left side of the screen). Is this a little piece of historical trivia? As the man was a thief Maybe it was what he was condemned for stealing? Or was it just a little detail with no significance?
Little things, I know, but they caught my attention and I just wondered.
As a side question, does anyone know why Gibson chose to have Judas hang himself over the sometimes used method of having him fall to his death?