MovieChat Forums > The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) Discussion > I would like to see it remade..anybody e...

I would like to see it remade..anybody else?

As long as they stuck to a family oreinted movie. Don't add cussing and sex to try and spice it up...stick to what worked...just a really funny guy and a cool back story!! Who could play the Don Knotts role? Jack Black?


Why in the world would there be a need for a remake? To do it better? No way.


See it remade so Jon Cryer has another foray into movies! He hasn't been seen since the teen flicks and needs to get out and stretch his Don Knotts chops. He seems like Knotts' understudy.


No no no, a thousand times no! No remake is necessary when a movie is done so perfectly the first time around. I can't imagine anyone doing the Luther Heggs character better than Don Knotts. A remake? Blasphemy! ;-)


In general, I don't think all remakes are blasphemy, but I see no need in remaking this one. Pointless, IMO.

Edit: Though I must agree, if this movie were to ever be remade, Jon Cryer would be an inspired choice.


I always thought Jim Carey would do a great job, I was very surprised to see him watching The Ghost and Mr. Chicken in YES MAN!


Jon Cryer would be an excellent choice but I have to agree that it should NEVER be remade. There are certain films that fall into that catagory. I am really amazed that this little gem was filmed in 17 days.




Only a fiend would suggest such a thing.


A remake wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but it would be kind of pointless. This movie is so "60's" (and in a very good way), that it wouldn't even seem all that believable if it were set today. And who would play Luther? Today's comedy is kind of obnoxious, and I'd be worried that somebody like Will Ferrell would get the role. I doubt they'd ever remake this anyway.


NO! Do NOT remake this movie! Why mess with perfection?



NO NO NO! I'm sick of moron's who think they've got talent ruin classics. Too many great films have their memories sullied by some nitwit's need to 'remake' something that has been done so well and could never come close to the original. Hey here's an idea hollywood - instead of taking a cheezy and easy way out how about CREATING something you're trying to cash in on. Just another reason I wouldn't pay one cent to go to the movies anymore.
