'Attaboy, Luther,' ...

Who said it?


I'm not sure but I have always thought it might have been Skip Homier, who played Ollie ( the ace reporter of the Rachel Courier-Express ).



I just got the CD soundtrack and it's got a 40 page booklet about the movie. The line was only written into one scene, where Luther is giving the speech in the park. Don Knotts asked Andy Griffith to look over the script and he suggested it be used as a running gag thruout the movie. Don Knotts said that for years after the movie was released, people would yell it when they saw him on the street. The person who said it was Everett Greenbaum, one of the writers Don Knotts asked to work on the screenplay.


I yell it out when ever there is a dull moment at ANY occasion where someone is making a speech. I don't know how many people get it, but it cracks me and my girlfriend up every time.
It's funny because usually no one can tell where it came from just like in the movie!
Try it.

Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.


I Love It...Great Idea!


Thanks for your reply. I have been wondering who said "Attaboy, Luther!"
for years.



I know a guy named Luther and he really hates to hear that. He's heard it way too many times.


What's even better? Watch Kingpin when the bowling match takes place between Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray's characters. Listen and you'll hear the same "Attaboy Luther" in the background. I REALLY want to know how anybody thought to place this in Kingpin and why? I love it...


They thought to put it in Kingpin as a random homage to The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, because it's one of the Farrelly Brothers' favorite movies.


I try doing the atta boy during a dull moment but no one really gets it because they haven't seen the movie but it cracks me up every time.



On July 4th we have a local parade. There are usually local district judges and representatives riding in Corvettes or other convertibles. I always yell out, "Atta boy, Judge!" or "Atta Boy, Congressman!"....gets a lot of laughs. In the past couple of years some people have asked me before the parade starts if I will do it again this year? I always say "Oh yeah!".


"Attaboy Judge!"



Everret Greenbaum said it...he was a writer for "The Andy Griffith Show".


Attaboy, ''Classicmovieman!''.


Attaboy phillindholm!

