The drunk's wife hit him, remember? She was tired of him always going out and drinking up a storm. Trivia note: Lillian Field, who plays Smith's wife in this movie, also played Otis' wife on "The Andy Griffith Show". Did you also know that Smith was a teetotaler in real life? Didn't drink liquor at all and he was usually cast as a drunk.
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Oh ... good old domestic abuse. That's always comedy gold. LOL
Yes, now that I think of it I do remember her there in curlers in the police station but shouldn't she have been charged with assault for hitting him with a 2 x 4?
Yes, think back to those old TV bits where the wife would hit the husband with a frying pan. Hardy-har-har! But if a husband raised his hand to his wife…WATCH OUT! I remember back on Phil Donahue's show back in the Nineties, they did an episode about wives battering their husbands and the audience was laughing about it. One of the women on the stage, I think a marriage counselor, commented that if the roles were reversed, people would be screaming to have the husbands arrested.
Yippee: "For king!" Yappee: "For country!" Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10¢ an hour!"
I just looked at the scene in the police station again, charlesadams1, and I agree with you about the drunk's wife getting off scott free. In fact, they arrested the drunk and handed the wife the keys and told her what cell to put him in. I would think that battery would be a bigger crime than drunk and disorderly. It's sort of like getting shot and being arrested with the person who shot you.
Yippee: "For king!" Yappee: "For country!" Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10¢ an hour!"