MovieChat Forums > The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) Discussion > a remake is in the making, its happening...

a remake is in the making, its happening!

Universal Pictures will be doing a remake of "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken".
It will be directed by little known director Christopher Lee, who starred in the Lord of the Rings series.
As for who will take the lead role, reports suggests either DJ Qualls of "the new guy", or Topher Grace of "that 70s show" will take up the role.
the production for this remake is already in place. a release date will be set this coming March.


That sounds like B.S. to me.


I hope it's B.S. Hollywood is sure to screw it up. After seeing remakes of The Haunting and Psycho, I was left stunned, and nauseous, at the appalling ineptitude demonstrated by so-called "professionals". When will Hollywood attempt to "remake" Gone With the Wind?


Lee is not directing anything anymore he is mainly retired.


It is BS. Christopher Lee has never directed before and has only produced twice.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


I doubt it will ever happen, but can you see anyone but Jim Carrey doing Luther?



Jim Carey wouldn't make a pimple on Don Knott's ass......


Lord, please don't let em screw this gem up! It'll probably turn out to be like the Dukes of Hazzard or "Starksey and Hutch" where they spend the entire movie just making fun of the original.

Please, leave Luther Heggs out of it!

If there was more love in the world, there'd probably be a lot less dyin'.
The Preacher, Pale Rider


It's really rather sad that Hollywood has lost all it's imagination and has to rely on the "classics" to try and lure the customers back to the theaters.

As much as I love Dennis Quaid, I don't want to see him in a remake of Yours,Mine and Ours (the Lucille Ball/Henry Fonda classic) and I don't want to see Don Knott's character Luther Hegg's played by anyone else.

Leave the classic's alone and find some Hollywood screenwriters that can write the classics of "Today" without writing pure smut and what do you want to bet if they did a remake they would include Potty jokes and bimbo's.

Oy, I'm sorry I'm just passionate about creativity and I just don't see it much anymore in the movies of today.


No No No No No No No

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I'm glad to read the comments here bemoaning all the remakes coming out of Hollywood nowadays. I think it's sad, and along with the flood of such sequels as BIG MOMMA'S HOUSE II and FINAL DESTINATION 3,it pretty much marks the death of creativity in the movie business. And I agree with one member who remarked, "If it ain't broke don't fix it." And this movie certainly ain't broke.

On the other hand, the original will always live on thanks mainly to home video :o)


Agreed... no remake of this but.. I suggest (as I have on another thread elsewhere).. why not a movie about Don Knotts and his life. It was interesting enough to base a film on, I believe... and he WAS one of America's funniest fellas (in my opinion)but the question is: Who would play him?

"Ignore these four words" (George Carlin)



All remakes of former films or TV shows into feature films that have been released in the past several years are all just crap. They are all failures. They're not even worth watching once, if you can stand it.


Say it ain't so! No one could possibly replicate Don Knotts.

"There are 10 kinds of people, half understand binary and half don't!"


No one could replace Don Knotts but I know Steve Buscemi has expressed an interest in the part.
I agree with everyone about the remakes-they suck.



the first post was posted in spetember it even still relevent?


I have been looking more on what the independent filmmakers are making. They have creative ideas, from what I saw. I would shoot myself if they replaced Don Knotts' Luther Heggs. There is noone alive that could replace him. (RIP Don). Also, this film was made obviously in 66 and it's a feel good comedy that relies on silly music, actions and catchphrases. This movie came from a time when life was simpler. Everytime I watch this movie, it makes me feel better but to see an urban remake. With no respect to Hollywood and I don't think I need to pardon my french when I say "Hollywood, get your thumb out of your asses and make something new, decent and creative and leave classics like TGAMC and The Poseidon Adventure alone! Quit *beep* around with classics and make something good like you could in the old days and that means something new and not a remake!" For Gosh sake, I'm a 16 yer old indie filmmaker and I'm writing my own script and I'm actually trying as hard as I can to input originality into it and it's going good. The only thing that relates to me is an airplane crash in a specific city that I named my location from. But, mine is about a space craft crashing on a planet that goes by that name. Even then though, I came up with the name and out of curiosity, I googled it and it showed me one thing out of the world that goes with it. My work howwever, has nothing to do with the thing I googled. Please feel free to check out my film myspace to see my short films. :]


I'm against remakes as a rule. But if anyone could try and pull it off, I'd have to nominate Steve Carell. He's actually somewhat motivated me to see what he plans on doing with GetSmart.


he's not goofy looking enough... maybe buschemi. not carrell.


If they make a remake and somehow God touchs the film reel with his finger and makes it an impressive remake, we would need a skinny, jumpy guy like Don. I think they should just leave it though. They're only making remakes and sequels right now cause they have no effing idea what to make. There are so many writers out there who don't get hired but could possibly write something amazing. Hollywood can suck it.


Qualls sounds like a good choice for Luther. I could also see Pauly Shore. I think he's kind of worked some of that obnoxiousness out of his system to be likable in the role.

Yippee: "For king!"
Yappee: "For country!"
Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10¢ an hour!"


Consider the first scene in TGAMC: Don is driving down the street in an Edsel, with his little bow tie and bug eyes. The sight alone made me laugh. Now, who today could get that response?



