Ollie - typical bully who can dish it out but can't take it
I must admit that the character of Ollie has to be one of Skip Homeier's nastier efforts, and that's saying a lot if one examines his list of credits. The guy played some despicable characters, but Ollie is one of his worst.
The way Ollie constantly berates Luther in a really hateful way is extremely contemptible, and he gets particular joy doing it in front of other people. All the name calling (Hey, Mr. News) and insults give him a lot of pleasure.
And for a guy who dishes it out as much as he does, he is the *worst* at taking anything...which is pretty much the way things are in reality. The ones who dish it out the most are the least able to take anything back in return.
It was so amusing to see him "get his nose out of joint" when Luther is hailed a hero, and when Alma ripped him with the sick burn before the trial it was pure gold (You don't *own* me, Ollie)
And it was nice to see Luther never lowering himself to Ollie's level. Even when Ollie said "This may cost me my job but I hope they burn you", Luther didn't say anything bad in return when Dick Sargent asked what Ollie said.