well, atleast it's in Quinton's hands
If I had my way, this wouldn't be remade. I hate remakes of movies that don't need to be remade. However, everything is going to be remade, so if it's going to be done, atleast let it be done right. 90% of the remakes that have come out in the past couple years have been complete shi*. And it has a bad effect on the original for me. The main problem with remaking horror movies, or small cult films is that the grittiness is gone. These hollywood makeovers are just to ........Hollywood, and it loses it's appeal that it had before. So the question isn;t WHY anymore, it's WHO. Who will direct the remake, and honestly, as far as FPKK, if someones going to do this, Quinten is the only one I'd want to have it. You know he will respect it to the fullest, you don't even have to question that. I think the only other director that I would feel comfotable with it, is Robert Rodriquez, but Quinten is my first choice. If this actually happens, I think he will do it right. Apparently he has been talking to some porn stars to be the leads, so he obviously isn't going the hollywood route. Again, i'd rather this be left alone, but the Studio would have done this anyway, with or without Quinten, so be happy that it's Quinten.