I want this on DVD Now!

I have a vast collection of 1960s and 1970s horror DVDs and would love to have this in my collection. I don't understand why it has not been released. Does anyone know?

Would love to add the Uncanny to my collection too.


Get you a region free DVD or blu ray player that can play PAL discs. This title is available from UK, but will not play on US players.
It is a great looking widescreen print used. I am sure Uncanny is available as well. Would not hold my breath for these to be released in the states unfortunately.


Just got mine on eBay; $9.95 + $4 shipping; region free NTSC.


I agree with you. I can not believe this is not on blu ray or at least DVD. I do not want to have to buy another piece of equipment to view the the Region 2 version.


If only torrents didn't exist...and people weren't able to very easily find these....darn those torrent sites...


I have this nice widescreen I agree I have a region free player however have region 1 version of this film anyhow so if u can't find elsewhere feel free to message me I own a copy that will play on US players


Just got a Region 0 release here:


You're in luck. A Region 1 DVD/Blu-Ray was released from Olive Films just today. I pre-ordered mine so I got it three days ago but finally watched it this morning and was not disappointed.
