Least favorite line

"Sad, sad, really sad."
I cringe every time I hear it.


Not the line so much as the delivery but I don't like it when they're in the "cattle car" on the train and the volunteer says "Forced labour". It's an awkwardly delivered line of dialogue that sounds almost like it was dubbed over by an entirely different actor!


All of Klaus Kinski's (the forced labour character) lines were dubbed by Robert Rietty who did a lot of that kind of work.


Oh my goodness, I totally see it now! I didn't realize that was Klaus Kinski!


Rod Steiger's hilarious overacting late in the film. "We're all made of the same clay, you know! Clay! CLAY!!!" But then, he wouldn't be Steiger without overacting.

I'm afraid that you underestimate the number of subjects in which I take an interest!


I don't recall this line and I think whatever "overacting" done was in character. But, the way you wrote it is so funny. Thanks for the laugh. ^^
