What's the allure of this?
Seriously, the storyline reads like a soap opera. Who's sleeping with their mothers lover, and cheating on their wife. I know this is highly acclaimed, and may be technically fantastic, but over 3 hours of adulterous behavior isn't the least appealing. I recall sleeping in the back of the car with my brothers when my parents saw it at the drive-in in the 60's. I would much prefer an epic about the Bolshevik revolution than a sick love story. Would this be considered a sappy chick-flick?
That said, I never cared to see Gone with the Wind for the same reason, thinking it was just a stuck-up romance film with a bad word in it (damn). When I finally saw it I was truly impressed and taken aback.
Is it possible that Dr. Z has any redeeming value that I would enjoy? Is there more to it than some creepy relationships? I know I would enjoy the cinematography and location shots, but what else is there?