What the *beep* is up with Kenny??!!!
He has a real unhealthy fixation with turtles that increases tenfold when Gamera arrives on the scene. He keeps sticking up for Gamera even though Gamera has not in the slightest bit let up on the destruction he appaerently ENJOYS causing. I can appreciate the empathy towards Kong in the 2005 remake. We the audience are at least SHOWN that Kong is tormented and misundetsood and not necessarily evil. Gamera is a whole other kettle of fish. Maybe he does have a gentle side but aside from saving Kenny from the accident GAMERA HIMSELF caused there is no evidence on screen to support this. But let's get back to Kenny. He risk his life on the train and has the nerve to give grief to the guy who was trying to save him!!!! And don't get me started on him losing the rocks!!!! Bottom line: the kid needs serious therapy. Feel free to mock Kenny as much as you please!!!!