rubbish film 0/10
ok i just finished watching 'tropic thunder' [a comedy obviously] just to be dropped to a low for this unrealistic film. I started halfway of the film so i never saw the beginning but seriously its depressing and unrealistic.
1. first off why do women always ask for equality and get mad if a man says the female gender is weak? they always run away, just kick him in the balls already
I mean she tried to stab him with a needle? wtf?? just smash him over the head with a butterfly case or a painting
for christs sake she tries to french kiss the cloth with chloroform, many times she looked like she would be smart to bite him but she just took it.
2. she tries to have sex with him? slut or what, i mean its a gamble that isn't worth it and if you're dealing with a psycho that can't be bargained with it would be pointless. You can't reason with a person who has no rational train of thought that you can meet half way i.e if you don't do something he hates you, do something and he thinks you're a liar
3. bad acting from the women, she didn't thump him that hard, also wtf? if you're gonna hit someone finish him off not play 'lets wrestle on the lawn'
4. why would she get ill so easily?
5. you drink orange juice calmly after you've been chloroformed? where did she get kidnapped from? the school of 'high class/high-end' damsels in distress???
its like she wanted freedom but not willing to fight for it, she wanted it in a neat little bow. Due to her stupidity another women is gonna die a slow death.
story would still be stupid but made more sense if he felt bad and realised like butterflies you can't keep them caged up or sumthin...meh i knew she would unoriginal depressing and rubbish.
If it wasn't for this website i wouldn't even know there's a book, why buy it? seriously i wouldn't pay money to be depressed. You have the news for that. 0/10