'Dead' decks of cards?

I am not a cardplayer and only know very little about the culture of poker and gambling. I was therefore unable to understand one scene in "the big game", where they are just getting ready to play:

Lancey and "The Kid" are allowed to inspect the card decks. They do this by feeling the packs, and sniffing (!) them. Once they've gone through all the decks, The Kid has sorted out a few packs which he calls "dead", and then hands these back to the man who brought them. I assume that these dead decks are then discarded.

Now, what is the purpose of this ritual? Is it just gambling superstition, or does it serve a more rational purpose?

And another question: when Shooter has shuffled the first deck, he lays it flat on the table. The players then, one by one, proceed to tap the table once with their fist. Again, what is the purpose and significance of this ritual?

Thanks in advance for any light that can be shed on this!


Remember that this is a gambling film. Lots of money won and lost on the turn of the card which makes it ideal for cheating.

The purpose of checking the cards is to see if they have been tampered with in any way, for example, marked. I suppose the sniffing may have been to smell for alien chemicals such as glue, perhaps. A dead deck is simply one that is not to be used in play. The company who provided the cards are so proud of their manufacturing process that they said they would be willing to reimburse the loser if the cards were found to be marked.

As for the tapping on the table prior to the 1st deal, I cant remember the scene exactly but it sounds like they were simply 'passing' on the opportunity to cut the pack i.e. they were happy that shooter had shuffled sufficiently.

Hope this helps


I assumed that the inspection was done in order to find marked decks. It was more the purpose of the sniffing I couldn't understand, and your theory sounds entirely plausible.

As to the dead decks, do I understand you correctly that The Kid was unsure if the packs in question had been compromised, and thus did not want them to be used?

This raises another question: Why play at all if you can't be sure of the integrity of (some of) the decks?


you are correct, you play regardless because you love the game...in this case he wants to play the "master". he knows he can win and this is one of the only times he is able to play against/with him. there is always the risk of someone cheating when money is involved(big money anyways), never can be too certain. hope that helps.

my $.02

let me know if you figure something else out or want me to chime in again.



After the deck is shuffled, the dealer sets it out to be cut. The players all tap the table signifying that they believe the shuffle and the dealer to be fair. It is a mark of respect to Shooter. The offer to cut is not given again.

The reason they check the unopened deck has been correctly explained.


The book explains this a lot better. They players sniff the deck for the smell of a hot iron which would mean that the deck had been tampered with and resealed. As for the tapping of the table, the players do this to pass on the cut for the first deal as a sign of respect for Shooter. All of the players respect his dealing abilities and know that he wouldn't cheat.

