last hand?

when the guy bet $1000 how come steve mcqueen's character didnt just call with his full house to see if it was good, rather than raising and opening up the betting again? ive never played 5 card stud,but ive play a lot of no limit holdem so know something about poker. Anyone agree? It seemed like the opening hand from rounders where Mike raises with his 9s full of Aces instead of just calling. I know its wimpy, but if you had that amount of money in there, which im thinking was a lot to him, given his reaction afterwards, then why not just call?


I realize I'm 2 months late here, but the reason he didn't just call here is because the chances of his full house being up against a straight flush were astronomical, so calling behind would have lost value. The full house is the nuts here 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the time.


Yeah i get that in your normal game that you are rolled for that you would raise and if the guy has the straight flush he just has it. If though you are playing way higher than your role i think he should have just called. Wouldn't have made as good of a movie though.


when you have the apparent nuts you shove, even beyond your bankroll. it's stupid not to. the only hand that had him beat was the jack of diamonds. such a long shot.


steve can see 9 of the cards leaving only 43 cards left in the deck. 1 of them was the jack. 1 in 43. long odds, but certainly not astronomical.

"in this world there's two kinds of people ... those with loaded guns, and those who dig."


if you're afraid to push money when you don't have the absolute nuts, you arent a very good poker player.

so, why did he raise? because he checked to begin with. because he knew his opponent well enough to know he would bluff (at least once) even if he missed the flush. now if lancey was bluffing when he bet, he would have folded to the re raise, but the kid was hoping lancey made his flush and would reraise himself (which he did) betting aginst the 1 in 14 chance the kid had the boat (lancey has one 10 so there are 3 cards out of 43 left to make the boat).

the kid did everything right. 1 in 43 against the jack being there. even if you factor in the skill of lancey and would give him credit that often he could make a tough fold there even with a regular flush but sometimes might bluff back. and factor in that the kid might be able to get a read on lancey. at best i'd give it a 1 in 3 shot the jack was there.

"in this world there's two kinds of people ... those with loaded guns, and those who dig."
