The Cincinnati Kid is awesome. I've watched Rounders over and over. The Grand looks like it could be good, but that's not coming out for a while (if ever in the UK). Where do i go next? Are there any other decent poker movies anyone could recommend (please don't say Lucky You.)
ooohh, discman, you beast! those are the two that i would have recommended, except one thing: big hand is a movie about poker, but music of chance is not really about poker. yes, poker is the hingepin of the movie, the ball bearing upon which the plot (and later our whole world) spins, but it is not technically a movie about poker, even though i agree with you, and would have mentioned it if you had not done it first.
Correct...MOC is much more than a movie about poker. BUt it has enough poker in it to make a poker enthusiast want to watch it. I did not like Mavericks poker scenes, to un-realistic for me - but, yes, it is a 'poker' movie.
I really liked The Grand. It is the Spinal Tap of poker flicks....!!!!
Are you out of your mind, comparing rounders with this classic? rounders is second fiddle to this movie by long way! This movie cant be repeated( it came from the novel). johnny depp vs who? decaprio vs de nero decaprio vs al pacino decaprio vs daniel johnny depp vs de nero or al pacino could work! but none have charm of mcqueen!