so much stupid posts on this board...
so much retarded posts here....
first of all:
Lancey won the game. So he is totally right when he said "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best." He beat "Kid", doesnt matter.
Its Poker!!
Most people dont get the point of the film. Its irrelevant who the better player was. Its like in life, "making the wrong move at the right time."(Lancey)...can make you more succesfull, than somebody who´s got actually more skill
So, the lesson is..."Dont underestimate luck".
2nd of all:
"Kid" played the last hand just bad. But, nobody figured it out yet, why. At least not on imdb.
After the last cards were dealed he raises Lanceys bet, when he should have just called. Its just a mistake to raise, and i tell you why.
"Kid" had AATT open. "Lancey" had a possible flush and a possible straight flush with the Jack(diamond).
So, obv. "Lancey" knows that "Kid" could have the full house. Especially when he thinks about the handhistory, but anyway. A full house beat his flush obv...
So, when we see that from "Lanceys" point of view. When "Kid" doesnt have the full house, he obv. got 2 pair. So, when "Lancey" bets with his 4 diamonds, he knows exactly that kid wouldnt raise with 2pair. Because, "Kid" would beat him anyway, when "Lancey" bluffs. (and it its either a (straight)flush or a bluff. He couldnt had anything else obv.)
So why the *beep* should he raise with just 2 pair(AATT). of course he wouldnt raise, and "Lancey" knows that obv. And "Kid" knows that lancey knows that.
So it makes no sense to raise with just 2 pair...
Ok, after we know that, its no clear...that "Lancey" can be sure that, when "Kid" raises...he indeed have the full house.
And now, we come to the mistake. So, if its clear that "Lancey" knows when "Kid" raises that he got the full house, why should "Kid" raise?? It would be ok, when "Lancey" wouldnt have a possibilty for the straight flush. But he has...
So, "Kid" have to know that "Lancey" knows for sure when he raises, that he got the full house, but still he raises and give "Lancey" the chance to put even more money in...when its really the case and he really got the straight flush. Of course most of the time, he will have just a flush and no straight flush, here. But because "Kid" would most likely get no more money anyway in this pot from "Lancey", because it makes no sense for "Kid" in that case to raise with his 2pair.(like above explained)
Why give "Lancey" the opportunity to put more in the pot??(for the case he really got the Jack(diamond)
makes no sense...
so "Kid" lost half of this pot just because he made a bad play. The other half he would have lost anyway obv...