Why are people saying The Kid was better? He made a HUGE blunder!
In the last hand, McQueen made the worst play in the history of all gambling movies: he gave Robinson a free card. To me, Robinson didn't outplay McQueen - it was rather a suicide committed by McQueen's character. It wasn't just a dumb play, it was a mind-bobblingly idiotic play by the Kid.
Why did he suddenly turn into an idiot-mode? My only quess is that he was too aggressive and too hungry to begin with, and Robinson was actually laying back and letting him win a few rounds here and there, knowing that eventually the aggressive opponent would commit suicide one way or another.
"Good players calculate the odds, while great players calculate each others", as the old saying goes. To me, McQueen was in the "good" department, Robinson was in the "great" column.
Either way, all the wannabe-pokerstars on this board could really stop arguing how much better the Kid was in that final hand. If you can't see why the Kid sucked arsche to a level of mind-bobbling stupidity, you don't really understand much about the game. :P