Could've been roster for Cat Ballou
I was just in grade school when "Cat Ballou" first came out in movie theaters (back in 1965). Even though the cast of actors/(actresses) used in the movie did work out as it was, I'm thinking that a different lineup (roster) of actors/actresses would've been just as effective also. Anyway, try to imagine the original "Cat Ballou" movie with THIS lineup:
Cat Ballou ====== Natalie Wood
Frankie Ballou ======= James Stewart
Kid Shaleen ======== Kirk Douglass
Cat's boyfriend ========= Elvis Presley
Gunman on F. Ballou ========= Dennis Weaver
Sheriff ======== Carol O'Conner
Per my memory (at the time) Natalie Wood was involved with the filming of another comedy movie ("The Great Race" with Tony Curtis) otherwise she would've been a great fit as Catherine Ballou (imo).