MovieChat Forums > Cat Ballou (1965) Discussion > Paranormal reference (!)

Paranormal reference (!)

It took me a long while to really notice, but in one scene, Cat's father keeps trying to speak Hebrew to the Jackson character, because he's convinced that Indians are really the "lost tribes of Israel." He says that he learned this from an ex-Congressman who gave a lecture on the subject. I think this must refer to Ignatius Donnelly, who wrote a very popular 19th century book about Atlantis. Atlantis writers (even though I certainly like them) are kind of notorious for connecting almost EVERYTHING to that subject, including those lost tribes. Can anyone tell me if I'm right about that scene?


It's not paranormal. The Mormons believe that the American Indians are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, and that Jesus visited them when he was on earth. That is why Cat's father figured Jackson should understand Hebrew.


It was a bold move to use that in a movie and added to the comedy.

Every time the Book of Mormon is subjected to scientific tests it gives the church more to disprove.


I thought you were going to mention the "moonmen" Cat's mother said that she saw climbing down the walls.

I always thought that was such an odd thing to crop up in the script because Cat doesn't seem "spacey", as her mother supposedly was.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
