Telly Savalas

I liked Savalas's character in this film even though there were scenes I had to say "'s just a movie." One of those moments was the scene where he drives up to the fuel dump in a shot up tank. He demands gas and more ammo so he can go out a kill a few more Germans. In reality no tank crew could have survived a hit like his tank supposedly got where most of it's main turrent had been shot off.

His character gives the impression that he is only in the war to make a buck so to speak but at the end the Germans have made him so angry that all he cares for is to kill a few more of them while they kill him. I think that's why I was willing to overlook the fact that he should have been dead already or at the very least extremely hard of hearing after the terrific noise of having his turrent blown off while he was inside the tank.

I also liked how he killed the Germans who were posing as American soldiers. It was like he was taking great joy in doing it. Savalas had a flair for playing somebody who has been driven insane.

I liked him in his TV show Kojak. Instead of telling somebody they were full of S#%t he'd tell them to go eat a prune danish. Prunes used to be, and still are, a good cure for constipation.

Far too many people these days are afflicted with diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind


He's a bit like John Wayne in his movies isn't he? He frequently just plays Telly Savalas. I'm sure he replayed the character he plays here in Kelly's Heroes.🐭


Thanks for your reply spookyrat!


Always a pleasure.🐭
