126 TNOT Burning Diamond
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at how lame a device Midas's "diamond drink" accelerator is! One can't begin to list all the scientific laws violated thereby, especially the hilarious notion that even if it were magically possible (via Merlin or some such!) to liquify a diamond so (not!) that it could possibly achieve such an effect as so phenomenal a rate of acceleration! Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but this is a whole other order of fantasy! Of course Star Trek's Scalosian water in 311 Wink of an Eye (www.imdb.com/title/tt0708490) was really no better a device. It just goes to show what I always say, that if people were honest (not!) "science fiction" rather would be called what it really is, outright fantasy, but their pride sadly won't allow them to accept or even face that obvious truth that ordinary folk can see.