Frank’s fee
I know it is just a TV show but I’m trying to work out what Franks’ fee would be worth today.
In the 1971 series he asks for various amounts at times, sometimes its £6 or 6 guineas a day, but then with decimalisation he asks for £6.13/£6.30/£6.50
I put that amount in a money convertor website it comes out at £75 and some 2012 prices, so I reckon in 2014 that would be worth £80 a day!
No wonder he was broke!
But then when he signs up clients he says it’s a 3 day min contract, so each case he takes on will pay him a min of say £19.50 plus expenses, even if it only lasts a day, so roughly 3 cases a week should bring in £58 a week. He rarely gets paid or discusses money in the show though, other than the initial discussion of six guineas a day. But at times he does get handed over cheques which include a nice bonus and in one episode “I’ve always wanted a swimming pool” he pockets £1000! Which in today’s’ money is over £12 000.
Realistically, even though his office is a dump he’d have had to have charged more just to run the office and stay alive!
I love how he keeps wearing the same suit & jacket through the series, as if to emphasise how down at heel he is, always struggling to pay the gas/telephone/tax bill and scraping around for money to buy some tea/coffee/milk & biscuits.
But at the end of hard day, or even during one he nips down to pub for ½ a bitter, which is a very reasonable 7 ½ p!