In some eps like Space Circus they make a big deal about starving unless they can get the hydroponic gardens up and running. Yet when they are in space like during Wild Adventure all June does is push a button and out comes protein packages on the conveyor belt for dinner.
Not that I would suspect an unlimited supply of these meals, but shouldn't there still be some available for a family sent on a multi year flight to a habitable planet 4.3 light years away? Who knows how long they might need to live off them being so far from Earth if something went wrong with the suspended animation tubes or the planet didn't turn out to be habitable.
Also, they had Boston Cream Pie at least once. Maureen reported Don was teaching Judy how to make one! They had potato chips too -- but I guess the potatoes were grown in the hydroponic garden. I thought the potato chip making machine was the coolest! Still do!
WOW, I just saw Space Creature and as another poster mentioned, when we get that rare scene of the "third" lower level, in addition to the radioactive space drive or whatever there are boxes and boxes and boxes of food products which I believe are what we see on the wall in the galley. Kind of like small round colored balls.
I can only assume the J2 had some type of device to create or purify water. Perhaps recycled urine like in Water World. We learn early on when Smith took a shower outside how pissed John and the others were at him.
They prolly also had something to desalinate salt water or some other water purification method if they found a pond, lake, stream, river or ocean. As mentioned one planet (Perplanis-?) had a good fishing hole.
The fuel supply was just as inconsistent. On Priplanis they always struggled to get enough deutronium to lift off, Fake Judy in Attack Of Monster Plants fed most to the plants. But in 'Wild Adventure' Smith released a massive supply of fuel (not just a few plastic bottles) when he stupidly pushed some "pretty" buttons.
In the LIS movie they had a Hyper Gate for FTL. I wonder if the J2's Nuclear Reactor (or whatever was on the third deck) was for FTL and fuel was only needed for take offs or less than FTL planet jumping .
But there was a hell of a lot of fuel that got released by Smith in 'Wild Adventure' after they had just scraped up enough to leave Priplanis after Nerim gave them no choice but to leave in a hurry. Look @ 12.00 min mark here -
All I want to know is where they got that huge roast in Mutiny in Space. It's not like there's a bunch of cattle-like animals wandering around, so I'm assuming we're supposed to believe that this is part of the original supplies from Earth!
Apparently they ate all of the ostriches and turtles that we briefly see in the first couple eps. Their eggs prolly made for some good omelets. Also I guess there was only one monkey and one cyclops. Very strange planet.
We never really found out what happened to Cyclamen Judy, Cousin Jeremiah or that dog from "One of Our Dogs Is Missing"...
LOL -- Well, since Cyclamen Judy was a plant, maybe they were able to make her into a salad. Cousin Jeremiah....hate to think of the Robinsons being cannibals but after all this is a thread about FOOD. As for the meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world -- perhaps on Preplanis too!
Let's not forget that Dr Smith found that giant egg in the episode "Return from Outer Space" on the abandoned Tauron machine, and proceeded to make an omelet out of it.
I don't think I would tempt making an omelet from an egg, left from an unknown alien species. Eggs don't only come from birds, but from reptiles as well, and who knows what else on alien worlds? I would never assume any old egg would have the equivalent taste of a chicken's egg.
Funny how careful they were not to eat the alien fruit floating on a pond in "The Oasis", yet eating an alien egg is perfectly fine. LOL
The stupidest thing they probably ever did was assign Smith to be in charge of one of the gardens which then died of neglect.
In another episode Smith is pursuing an egg as a rare delicacy. Later episodes show them eating heaps of eggs at breakfast. Also in one episode Smith was given fried chicken. Were these things supposed to have been frozen? If so why the complaints of short food supply, and if not where did they get them?