Return to Green Acres

I was wondering if anyone knows if the reunion movie "Return to Green Acres" is available on video/DVD. I know that based on everyones comments on the IMBD review the movie was horrible compared to the original series, I would still like to see it just to be able to see the cast reunited, however I can't find it listed anywhere.


I don't know where to find it on DVD/Video, but I would also like to get ahold of it. I remember watching it when it aired in 1990 and I didn't think it was bad. It was very cool seeing the cast together again. They even added on to the theme song and updated it. They also had studio laughter in it, so it was a movie and a sitcom. Maybe someone on here will know how to get the movie on DVD/Video and let us know.



Yes, the TV reunion movie came out on DVD mid/late 2012. It's available on


DeepDiscount has the movie for $8 - BestBuy has it for $6 but its on backorder;jse ssionid=90C87E75F659D95F66C0A37FBD20BE55.bbolsp-app03-146?id=2592995&a mp;skuId=20640009&st=green%20acres&lp=1&cp=1

This is Miami Pal, but lately its starting to look a lot like Disney Land!



I remember watching the movie too. It was okay, but it didn't have the silliness that the show had.
