They threw that word around freely in Hooterville. Simpler times.
Yeah, I've noticed that. Wasn't considered "policitally incorrect"- but then again, what was?
I think that term was used in newscasts relatively freely
Oh, sure! I grew up in those days. Wetbacks was the common term for Mexican illegal immigrants. When I was in grade school, one of my favorite books was about the U.S. Border Patrol. It referred to wetbacks all throughout it. I remember our teacher once discussing the Border Patrol and she asked the class what the name of these Mexicans was and everyone said "Wetbacks". It wasn't considered derogatory at all.
"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mr Haney also brought a chinese dude pulling a rickshaw to Olivers house and called him a Coolie. And Lisa mother had Japanese servant when she came to visit and they all mocked they way he spoke English. People just weren't as as hyper sensitive in Hooterville.
And one episode featured some Indians, led by J. Carroll Nash, which would never be allowed today because of the comic stereotypical portrayal. I wouldn't be surprised if some group hasn't petitioned the station to take the series off the air, apologize, and make up for the damage by donating tens of thousands of dollars to some Indian charity.
"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The good days of television when you could say stuff like that and get away with it, I remember one ep I was watching recently were Hank and Oliver were talking about wetbacks. My local THIStv stations show it like 28 times a week.
HAHA one on now where Eb was talking about getting a horse when he takes over the farm so he can ride around and whip the Coolies
This is Miami Pal, but lately its starting to look a lot like Disney Land!
dude i'm not a troll
old MACs look cool but are pretty much useless these days