I sometimes wonder how much money Oliver had after moving to the farm. He never complains about spending money, except in cases when he is being ripped off or someone wants him to buy something unnecessary, such as the time Eb wanted a car. I never knew of him complaining about Lisa's trips to New York or other places. In one episode, Lisa bought him a tractor which Mr. Ziffel mistakenly thought was a gift for him, so Oliver and Lisa couldn't bring themselves to tell him the truth and take it away from him, in light of how grateful he was. So they could afford to buy a $4,000 tractor and lose it. Their New York lifestyle wasn't very far from that of a millionaire, so I've always thought he probably had several hundred thousand somewhere.
I've always wondered, too, about the set itself. I know set designers can make any kind of weathered or worn set with fresh materials, but the Douglas home looks like it was pieced together out of actual walls and woodwork of old shacks. I wish I knew the story behind the creation of the interior home set!
"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson