Sally Fields Movie Not to Be Forgotten
Besides Norma Rae, Places in the Heart will stay with you once you watch it. Some beautiful acting by Fields and Danny Glover. However, as a Southerner, I do get tired of the same old redneck, KKK stereo types. Although most of the South in the 50's and before accepted the lower status for African Americans, Blacks, Negros, etc., I don't believe that the majority were the frothing mouth maniac haters that Hollywood loves to show as a typical Southerner of those times. Once the enlightenment of the 60's happened, many people made real effort to change their preconceived (actually taught by society) race conceptions. I found the same thing in South Africa, which was much more upfront about the powerful, but small percentage of people that were flaming racists and kept apartheid in place for so long. I met many, many white South Africans who were Christian (or at least humanists) who were very thankful that apartheid had mostly been dismantled. As Katherine Hepburn's character in African Queen said, "Nature, Mr. Alnut, is what we were put on earth to rise above."