I love this show!

I am soooo happy its OnDemand. This showw is so cute. =D


I noticed that a couple days ago. Even though I have the series on dvd, I love the fact that it's on tv!!! Hopefully this will start a new trend and maybe Comcast will grab some of the shows that TV Land doesn't (but should) show. I'd love to see them put The Patty Duke Show OnDemand.


Yeah! That would be great. =D


I tend to be one who relishes anything that has a sense of nostalgia, and "Gidget" is one of those shows that takes you back to a time where there was still a sense of innocence in television. Shows could be funny, but didn't rely on vulgarity or blatant innuendo to achieve it.

Besides, being a surfer myself, and one who finds TV shows and movies that celebrate various aspects of the surf culture intriguing, I think it's also a show that brings out good feelings and is just a lot of fun.

The only issue I have with it is in its references to UCLA. As a USC alum, that is the one thing that I find difficult to deal with. LOL.


I love this show too! I am hooked. It so funny and I love the relationship between daughter and father, so caring. I find that I prefer tv shows from the past than what is on today.


I love it, too. It's very tame compared to today's TV shows. Some modern TV shows tend to show gritty realism(drug use, alcoholism, gang violence, etc.).


Absolutely! SUCH a shame only one series was made. Don Porter was a bit of a spunk I found [i'm 47!] Shame he's gone! It was that part of the show I enjoyed the most, the moments between Gidge and Russ!

Yes, most of the shows today are CRAP! Very little to remember them by.


"Gidget" IS a cute show, and I watched it a lot on reruns as a kid. But the thing that impressed me watching it again on TV Land a few years ago was how natural the characterizations and dialogue were--the scenes between Gidg and her dad are so authentic to what the conversations between a young girl and the widower father who raised her would be. They just don't make shows this real anymore. So sad for this generation


I've only just discovered Gidge for the first time. I was 2 when it was made and i just don't remember any of it so it has been a lovely treat and to discover the gorgeous Don Porter. Will have to watch the movie where he plays Russ [Gidget goes to Rome I think, or is it Gidge goes Hawaiian, just to see the yummy Mr. Porter again. He left us in 1997 aged 84!!

SO wish they'd made more than one series!


Gidget really is a great show...I've just recently finished watching the whole series...at this time it is airing on "AntennaTV"...check out the website www.antennatv.tv

I do agree with you fifi it is a treat...I am slightly younger then you 42...so while I don't remember the show when it was on...I am sure we have alot of the same tv memories...



Ah, there are NO days like the old days, JoeSki!!!!!

Get a load of Sally in The Flying Nun. Another bunch of fun. I think they made a couple of series of that. Have yet to see the second series.

But it's Gidge I love most. And her YUMMY Dad!!!! Gotta get the dvds for myself.





I hear you on that...I'm curious you say "series" instead of "seasons"...are you from the UK?

Hey at least with the DVD's you can get them all in one set...not having to worry about mulitple seasons...I guess that's sort of a plus... :-O



Actually, I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

Yep, only the one series to get. Sad! I heard Sally say in one of the features on the 4th disk of ''Gidget'' that these days they would bring back a show if finally actually successful, but that, back then, if it was cancelled, it was CANCELLED.

Are you from the US?


Yes...it's true they will bring back shows if it builds a good enough following...it's been done with Futurama and Family Guy...though those are cartoons and re-assembling a live cast of actors who have to perform more then voices may be a bit harder...

Yes...I am from the US...New York City... :-)



Animation these days is amazing! What would we do without computers! I thought ''Avatar'' was MAGNIFICENT! SHOULD have got 'best film'!!!!

I hope they don't attempt another ''Gidget''! Just couldn't be done. The best is past.



p.s. I've never been to the States, but my youngest niece was born in Houston, Texas.


Oh I agree it really is...and I am sure as it gets better and better we will soon have dead actors appearing in movies again...just need the right voices to go with them...they already make toys look real...we must be getting pretty close to humans too...

And I've never been to Australia...though I think it would be awesome...Texas (which is a very large state) is about 1500 miles (2,285 km) away if that give you an idea how large the US is...and that's only half way across...LOL...

Enjoying the chat...



I find the computer animated human faces look just a little too ''weird'' but I guess in time ahead, they will find ways to make them look a little more natural and not so big-eyed.

Australia is a great place to visit. So many different landscapes. Melbourne is a great city with the best places to eat, very multicultural, very stately AND arty. But, our roadways are a little choked, despite the various traffic corridors that have been built in the last 10 years. Truth be told, I think we are growing just a tad too fast. And the legal age to hold a drivers licence here in Australia is 18!!!!!! And I reckon 21 would be better with more time to get learning experience, but .............

However, it IS a long way, to America for me AND to Australia for you. Yet Europe about the same for us 'down under' here. A day each way, more or less. And if one spent a month or so, what's a day either way?

Me too [enjoying the chat!]




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