MovieChat Forums > Gidget (1965) Discussion > original pilot vs episode 1 dear diary e...

original pilot vs episode 1 dear diary et al

is there much differance between the pilot and the first episode
dear diary et al


The theme song at the beginning is different.

I don't know if anything else is.


Between the pilot (which IS "Dear Diary..."...that IS the pilot so the subject line of the original post here is misleading) AND the second episode.....two noticeable changes....

1. Sally Field had lost weight--you can see the difference in her face and body. They probably had some downtime between shooting the pilot and then shooting the rest of the season. The weight loss may have been imposed by the studio or self-imposed. Sally Field has gone on record as saying she had trouble with her weight a bit in those years. They did a better job on her makeup too.

2. Anne, Gidget's sister, has a new hair color. It went from black to a lighter color. Perhaps a wig?? Maybe they felt it shouldn't be the same color as Gidget's hair after some thought. They sometimes do things like that for t.v. shows/movies to help distinguish cast members.

Hope this helps. I just watched the first two episodes last night and noticed these differences.



Gidget has a cute pink telephone in her bedroom in the pilot. In the second episode it's just a boring regular grey telephone.


Orbis Non Sufficit


I first watched this over a year ago when I got the DVD and I must have missed the Pilot on the extras but after reading what one poster said on here that the pilot was on it I looked for it after having watched that first episode Dear DIary and I see they are exactly alike like they stated except for the theme music at the beginning. It is the same song but sung by what sounds like a trio of guys in a tad different style or rhythm, a little faster and a few words are different. I'm glad they changed it for I like the one they went with. There may be differnces in music used over scenes but I've not checked that.

Someone posted a review on here about the Samantha Bewitched doll she thought she saw on the dressor. Well I watched the 2nd episode after Dear Diary and sure enough I saw it in the red hat and dress holding a broom sitting on top of Gidget's TV set in her bedroom right behind her while she was talking on the telephone. If that was a dressor it was a tiny one.

In the 3rd episode the TV is still there but not the doll. As a matter of fact her bedroom totally changed from the Pilot and 1st episode to the 2nd episode. Her bedspread is a lighter pink. THe stuff on the walls are changed and what is sitting on the dressors as well as her phone no longer being pink but being beige or tan. Her bed doest have long posts now but short posts. The small TV replaced a vase of artificial flowers. It was so interesting to see that even though they only originally aired a week apart. But now knowing that the pilot is the same material and I have no idea when that was aired then I understand now why there was such a difference. I do wonder why they changed it so much. Looks like maybe the walls were possibly painted a tad lighter and less stuff was in her room.


The subject line of the original post wasn't so much misleading as it was asking the question he meant to ask: what (if anything) was the difference between the Pilot and Dear Diary.

The DVD set actually has both Dear Diary and the Pilot on it.

There is indeed one difference (the title song), but otherwise I suspect it's frame-for-frame identical.


Funny that in the first episode, Anne (played by Betty Conner) looked like a normal brunette. Then, beginning in episode two, her hair was bright orange and she wore caked makeup. What's up with that?


In the original pilot there are extra scenes than what aired in Dear Diary. In the Pilot, there is a scene where Gidget and Russ discuss Anne's snooping and she writes an entry to fool Ann and shows it to Russ and they laugh. In the next scene, Gidget dresses up in LaRue's get up and is spying on Jeff and Cornbread. When Cornbread let's it slip that it's a sham they are pulling on Gidget to make her jealous, she runs towards the water and Jeff chases her and they make up. Russ, Ann and John then show up at the beach and Anne is freaking out over the diary entry about ending it all and assumed Gidget means suicide. Gidget then tell her she meant ending the diary and Anne looks like a snooping fool.

