Whats the episode Gidget tries to prove herself equal w/ boys but fails?
Does anyone know the name of the episode where Gidget (Sally Fields) goes to auto shop class at school to try to prove gender quality and herself equal to the boys? Then she fails and is made to look silly. And she ends up apologizing to her parents and admitting it was foolish for her to try to be a boy. I looked in the episode list on IMDB, but none of the episode summaries made it obvious which episode I'm referring to.
I want to find the name of it to use in my articles and blog posts as an example that showed that 1960's TV did NOT support the notion of gender equality, which became gospel in the 1990's and which you aren't allowed to question today in America. Back then, America still had real family values. That all started sliding downhill in the 1970's.
If you think the 90's were more progressive and today's liberalism is better, just take a look at the stats of the 1960's compared to today. Back then divorce rates were much lower. The nuclear family was more stable. Families were closer and had more values. Neighbors talked to each other. Friends were easier to make. People were more down to earth, authentic and real. They looked more wholesome, innocent and good natured too, which you can see on any 1960's TV show. In contrast, today there is moral decay in America, a breakdown of family values, a high divorce rate, and people on TV now look soulless, cold and unfeeling, not wholesome or innocent.
So if I had to pick whether people had better values back then or now, I'd definitely choose back then.
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