Only One Season

I can see why there was just one season of Gidget. The only good thing about it was Richard Dreyfuss's performance as Durf the drag.


I just finished watching this episode. All I could think of are 2 people both future Oscar winners.


That's right Fields won for Norma Rae and Places in the Heart and Dreyfuss for Goodbye Girl. Fields also won an Emmy for Sybil.


I just ordered the 2 disc version of Sybil on EBay..saw it years ago and will love seeing it again. Oh, sorry to nitpick, but the correct spelling of her last name is Field, not Fields(LOL).


Oh, sorry to nitpick, but the correct spelling of her last name is Field, not Fields(LOL).

That's not nitpicking. I've never really understood why it's so common for people to spell that name incorrectly. In fairness to the OP, I think that she's been billed as Fields on TV and movies; that's how common the misspelling of the name is. If someone's last name name is Field, they should be prepared to correct the spelling at least 75% of the time.

As far as the show goes, it's really not very good at all. I was surprised at how many future stars were guests on the show. I was surprised at how good Field was in the show. Even in this superficial show matter she clearly has talent. I only saw this program as reruns when I was a kid. I wouldn't have liked it as an adult. I watched some for the nostalgia.

I thought Don Porter was the same actor that played Chester Tate on "Soap". I had to come here to be sure that they're not the same person.

I never watched more than a few minutes of "Blossom", but I have a feeling that the two shows are similar. If that's true "Gidget" could have been more successful if it had had a better time slot rather than competing against "Gilligan's Island", "Beverly Hillbillies" and "The Virginian".


I don't see what's so surprising on how many future stars were guests.


I don't know why I wrote Fields. I have always admired Sally FIELD especially for her performance as Sybil. Imagine being able to play perky, goofy Gidget and then play a woman with multiple personality disorder.
