Cone Of Silence

I am curious ever an eposide where they actually got the cone of silence to work???


I Will Take A Chocolate Coke Please!




I am curious was their ever an episode of get smart where they actually get the cone of silence to work or function properly????? The cone of silence was a security measure used whenever very important high level things were to be discussed; a plastic chamber that would cover and the chief and max up so no one could hear them problem was they could never hear each other.

Here is a link:



There was one episode where the Cone of Silence actually did what it was supposed to do (keep people from outside the cone from overhearing people inside the cone). Max and the Chief are under the COS, but unable to raise the COS because the controls are on the outside. Max manages to slip out under the COS, but before he can raise the cone to free the Chief, an alarm sounds, and 99 comes running in telling Max that a nuclear reactor in the midwest has been sabotaged. Max and 99 then run down to the Control lab, Max having forgotten all about the Chief. The ironic part is that the whole time that Max and 99 are talking, you can see the Chief in the background screaming at Max from under the COS, but his screams can't be heard because the cone is actually working like it's supposed to!


There was, actually, one other time it worked, in "My Nephew, the Spy." Max insisted that it needed to be lowered, which it was, and it worked flawlessly, with the controls on the inside. Max then told the Chief exactly how his hunt for the spy ring was going and what he had when he said, "Nothing Chief."

Other than that....What?



Nicely done, Explorer! Wish I'd thought of posting that!



Sorry about that, Chief, I can't hear you.


I just watched Season 3, Episode 10 "That Old Gang of Mine". Max, 99 and the Chief are in London and have a meeting in the office of the British branch of Control. They use the "Umbrella of Silence", and it performs flawlessly.

But there is one other little problem that crops up...


I remember the scenes with the Cone of Silence where nobody could hear inside or outside the cone. They were hilarious. There was one episode with a portable Cone of Silence. Feel free to post if you know the episode where it was shown.


The portable Cone of Silence made an appearance in "Hubert's Unfinished Symphony". It was basically a piece of plexiglass with a bubble on each end which fit over the heads of the users and a tube connecting the two. Max managed to get his end off after using it, but the Chief's head was stuck. They ended up having to break the cone to get the Chief out.


I never thought thy could top the Cone of Silence,but I think they did with the Hush Room in Get Smart Again,but it is curious that Max bought the cone in the going out of business Control yard sale. Why,exactly does he have it installed above his bed?


Why,exactly does he have it installed above his bed?

I think it's because he talks in his sleep.


I always found it a bit boring and irritating when they brought the Cone down. It was sort of a one-note joke.

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Ah, but it kept you guessing as to whether or not it would work (only twice), and, if it didn't, what would go wrong with it. There've been times it's completely kept anyone from hearing, times the only ones who could communicate were outside the Cone, even one time it busted the Chief's desk and trapped him and Max beneath it.

Sure, it was just a gag prop, but the idea behind it has been seen in other versions of Get Smart. In Get Smart Again, it was Hover Cover, when they tried talking over three helicoptors over them, as well as the Hall of Hush, where, instead of communicating effectively, they had to eat their words to get out. In the revised version, the Cone was effectively terminated, but Zach and 66, as well as Max, had a very tough time in their communication booths because they kept getting interference from outside sources.

A completely updated version came out in the recent movie, where, as expected, they weren't able to effectively communicate (everyone beneath their own private "cones"), except Max when he wanted to celebrate in private his promotion and ended up not fully activating it.

As per why the COS was there, as well as all the other covert communication disasters, think about this. If James Bond wants to communicate covertly, the device works perfectly ever time, but, in reality, how often does technology really work right? As with the rest of the series, the Cone was poking some good-natured fun at the always-accessible, always-ready means others in the Spy Genre had to communicate.

As per the rest...What was that?


This discussion is CONTROL labs' latest development, because this thread is actually a needle!


Yeah, but it's really funny.


Was the 'Portable Cone of Silence' ever perfected? It was probably replaced by a digital model.


The phrase and the idea were used seriously in Frank Herbert's "Dune", which was first published in 1965. I don't know which one was first.


Cone of Silence..............LOL!!!


another "one joke" prop (well, invisible prop) they used a few times was the invisible wall installed at Max's apartment..... whenever he activated it, he always seemed to be on the wrong side of it.... :-)


My favorite bit with the cone of silence occurs during a scene where it is malfunctioning as usual. Frustrated, the Chief calls for help on his intercom - and the person on the other end says, "What??"


I have been watching the dvd's of the show "Science Fiction Theatre" and just watched the episode "Barrier of Silence". a scientist uses a special room with a device called, you guessed it, the cone of silence!!! In this case the COS is a platform suspended from the ceiling with some equipment at the top. The scientist uses it to help un-brainwash another scientist who had been abducted.


I do recall one episode in which, when the cone, as usual, does not work, they resort to cards with words on them--hilariously pointless, since anyone outside would be able to see what they were saying! At one point Larabee is using them also, and after having been given an order, he says "okay" by holding up a card with a picture of a hand making the "okay" gesture.

Now, which episode was that?
