Retrospective: A year ago vs. today
It's funny the difference a year makes. When Dena and Josh's writing started to air in August 2015, and they were really firing on all cylinders for the 50th anniversary, for months DAYS was must-watch TV. We had Ben slowly losing his mind, Aiden pressured by the DiMeras to kill Hope, and Abigail's pregnancy. This culminated in November with Bo's return, Aiden's death, Thomas's birth, and Ben trying to kill Abby and Chad. The lead-up saw Will, Serena, and Paige killed off.
Fastforward a year, and we're back with Dena Higley as the head writer. This time around feels like there isn't an urgency to regain viewership or create any "must-see" or compelling stories. We have three random past DAYS criminals on the loose, yet another DiMera/Kiriakis company battle, and really not much else. Granted there'll be some returning characters and a departure, but nothing that I think will peak anyone's interest.
They didn't make a big deal this Fall with the "new" writing team taking over like they did with the reset last year, so maybe I shouldn't have expected anything special. I'm just finding what is being presented now is flat and boring, and I don't think I'm alone as the viewership hasn't shown much of an improvement, either.
Thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? I'd love to hear everyone's opinion.