Aiden is an Idiot

If Aiden is so convinced that Hope killed Stefano, doesn't the thought cross his mind even remotely that she might also kill him? What an idiot.


I wish she would kill him, he's so annoying! And then I wish she and Rafe would be exposed as dirty cops, because they annoying too! This entire story line is so redundant and stupid!



He was kind of ok when he was a nice gut but he has overstayed as a villain. This is tiresome.



Bringing Aiden back was a big mistake. Nothing coming out of his return has been any good. Time for him to go.




I didn't even like him before when he was supposed to be a "good" guy so I sure don't like him now. I totally agree - he needs to go!

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."




I liked him as a good guy. I even liked he and Hope as a couple, but since they've completely destroyed his character, I can't wait to see him gone!


I blame Deena for the hatchet job. Hope loved this man at one point. He had qualities about him that she loved. Enough to marry him. I know some of it was fake, but some of it was real too. Now all of them are suddenly gone when Deena takes over.

He was in the gray area struggling when he came back and had potential. Now they turned him one layered into a complete villain and dumb. Yet he wasn't so dumb when he escaped the cage, was he? He was really smart about it actually.

Notice his smirky smile didn't show up until recently, after Deena was back. He never did that before. I'm pretty sure this is all about killing him off yet again and not having a backlash this time. As well as propping Rafe/Galen up. It's not the first time a soap has done this when they want to get rid of someone, make someone completely unlikable. The funny part is his obsession with Hope. I mean come-on , she's not that great.

He's a good actor. It's a shame they're wasting him because they want to prop stinky actor/character Rafe/Galen, and can't conceive the concept of having Rafe's rival simply move on with someone else.



I think it would be hilarious if Hope became a serial killer

