Love in the afternoon
I realized last night, while trying to get to sleep, that at least six couples have met, fallen in love and gotten married while on Days. Bill and Susan Seaforth Hayes, Peter Recall and Dale Kristian (his first wife. She played Victor's maid), Crystal Chappell and Michael Sabatini, Melissa and Scott Reeves, Lisa Trusel and David Wallace, Robert Kelker-Kelly and Miariam Parrish (both Bo's met their wives on set), and Arianne Zucker and Kyle Lowder.
On top of that, Wayne Northrop and Lynn Herring appeared together after being married. Peter Recall's second wife, Kelly Moneymaker sang on one episode. Billy Warlock and Julie Pinson were either married, dating or broken up when they appeared together. And although not married, longtime couple Farah Fath and John-Paul Lavosier both appeared on the show; Farah before they met, and JP after.