MovieChat Forums > Days of Our Lives (1965) Discussion > Another Blatant reuse of an Old Plot?

Another Blatant reuse of an Old Plot?

In the spoilers posted by leafs27, the entry for October 20th states:

Maggie's doctor insists that she is fully healed and that her inability to walk is psychological.

Interestingly, in an interview I link to in another posting, Suzanne Rogers discusses the storyline where Bill Horton originally operated on Maggie all those years (actually decades) ago, and she says:

Mickey’s brother, Bill, was also a doctor, and he’s the one who operated on Maggie. When Maggie still couldn’t walk, he told everyone there was no physical reason she couldn’t walk, so there was something psychological holding her back

Is this another really blatant example of the writers recycling an old plot? Or will Maggie acknowledge in character that this is the second time in her life she is unable to walk due to psychological reasons?

I hope they refer back to the earlier scenes and don't try to pass this off as a whole new story point.


History does tend to repeat itself. The show has already tied this current story to the one in the 70s by having Victor give Maggie the red shoes to dance in when she gets back on her feet just like Mickey did.


It would be interesting if they brought on a 100 year old mother for Victor, so we could get the "new" Alice to weigh in on this story. LOL

I don't have a problem with them referencing past storylines-- in a way, it connects old time viewers with younger viewers who never saw those earlier episodes. Plus in this instance it gives Suzanne frontburner story.
