MovieChat Forums > Days of Our Lives (1965) Discussion > How do we get out the message ...

How do we get out the message ...

of this board?


I have a few sites I can advertise it on.


have we figured a way to ignore posters? Someone found his way here.......


I am wondering the same thing. The inability to ignore slected posters seems like a big weakness of this board.


OK, they have now given us an "ignore" button, so you can easily bring up any of the troll's posts, click on "ignore", then all of her posts will go away and you won't see any more.




Many posters are spreading the word.


Twist and


Hi guys...there are some of us posting on another board that has the option to not only block posters, but also not allow them to reply to you. some of you are on it already. It would be nice if we could all get back together so to speak :)


I second that. This board here has become useless due to the inability to block messages from individual posters. It is obvious that the troll from IMDB has found her way over here and is posting under a new name here. I encourage everyone here to switch over to thegotboard where you can selectively block individual posters. I am done with


I keep trying to join thegotboard, and when I do, it says an administrator will need to approve my account before I can use it. I've tried joining three times over the past several weeks and my account is never approved (and I'm not sure why). I used to be able to view the site without an account, but now I can't even do that. Does anyone know why this is happening, and if there is someone I can contact to fix this?


That's strange. I haven't had any issues. When I joined there was an email that was sent to me to click the link to verify - maybe it's going to your spam??? I will look and see if there is an email you can use to contact someone.


Thanks leafs27. I checked my spam folder and I never received anything. I saw on another website that thegotboard is closed to new users now, and if that's true, that would explain why I haven't been able to join :(


That would explain it. I am trying to find out why they've closed the board to new users. It makes no sense. This board would be ok but the troll is here and we don't need any of that!


Yes, he or she is definitely here and posting all the time! Also it seems there aren't that many users here, so it'd be nice to find a board with more activity. Let me know if you find out anything about thegotboard. Thanks.


Fortunately, they have now added an ignore button, so if you bring up one of her posts and click on ignore, it will delete the posts for you and block further posts from appearing.


Good to know! Thanks.
